“Growth and Differences of Exponentials” [PDF]
The growth of natural, social, and economic phenomena including firms, cities, and pandemics is known to be heavy-tailed. Neither a simple explanation nor a well-fitting distributional form for these heavy-tailed growth phenomena is known. Here I show that an extension of the log-linear production function provides both a simple explanation and a well-fitting and theoretically motivated distributional form for them. I discuss why these results arise as a consequence of the Central Limit Theorem and sketch dynamic models using this production function for the phenomena listed above, yielding remarkable fit between the predicted and observed data distributions. My results include: (i) predicting the distribution of firm cashflows; (ii) providing a well-behaved distribution for equity returns; (iii) sketching a model of increasing-returns-to-scale cities in which more than one city can rationally exist; (iv) proposing an extension to the classical Malthusian “birth-death” model; and (v) rationalizing a variety of observed growth distributions.
“Why Are Firm Growth Distributions Heavy-tailed?” [PDF]
Firm growth and return distributions are heavy-tailed. Accounting for the interplay of sales and expenses is sufficient to explain this fact without relying on time-varying volatility or factors external to the firm. Embedding the implied production function into a standard q-theory model yields novel and specific predictions regarding the distributions of income, growth, and returns. The predictions are supported by the data. The model is the first to correctly replicate the distribution of firm income and is hence useful as a foundational model for future work. It proposes extended definitions of firm income scale, efficiency, and growth.
“Facts of US Firm Scale and Growth 1970-2019: An Illustrated Guide” [arXiv]
This work analyzes data on all public US firms in the 50 year period 1970-2019, and presents 18 stylized facts of their scale, income, growth, return, investment, and dynamism. Special attention is given to (i) identifying distributional forms; and (ii) scale effects — systematic difference between firms based on their scale of operations. Notable findings are that the Difference-of-Log-Normals (DLN) distribution has a central role in describing firm data, scale-dependent heteroskedasticity is rampant, and small firms are systematically different from large firms.
Before regulation enacted to prevent such practices, information leaked via selective disclosure incorporated into markets prior to public release of news. “news days” did not deliver news to the market. Now they do. We provide novel evidence of changes in returns & turnover behavior around the enactment of regulation barring selective disclosure practices in the US and in the EU. We conversely document lack of such changes in Australia and Japan, which did not implement similar measures. We conclude selective disclosure resolves Roll’s R-squared puzzle.
“WSJ Category Kings – the Impact of Media Attention on Consumer and Mutual Fund Investment Decisions”, with Ron Kaniel, Journal of Financial Economics (2017), 123(2), 337-356 [SSRN]
“Fitting the errors-in-variables model using high-order cumulants and moments”, with Timothy Erickson and Toni M. Whited, Stata Journal (2017), 17(1), 116-129 [PDF]
Other Working Papers
“Knowledge Constraints and Firm Scale” [SSRN]
I propose a resolution to the high-returns-to-R&D puzzle. The R&D investments of small and medium firms (lower 2/3 of the firm scale distribution) exhibit evidence of bunching below an upper-bound. No such bunching exists for physical investment. I show that a constraint on knowledge accumulation rationalizes this pattern and resolves the R&D puzzle. Structural estimation indicates the constraint is binding for the 20%-25% highest growth R&D-performing small and medium firms. Counter-factual analysis shows slackening the constraint significantly increases firm growth rates and the total size of the economy. A validation test indicates the constraint is related to frictions in human-capital accumulation within firms.